Matthias Pfützner and company,

It has nothing to do with what you  know or not, you sir are a pompus ass and 
treat people with total disrespect!!!!!!!

Just because you work at Oracle and drink the Koolaid you can tell someone to 
go piss up a rope and use the forums as a personal insult playground.

That is why I reply to your comment in that manner. Since nobody else in you 
group seems to have any balls to keep you in check with your manners.

I advise you to  look back at your posts in this forum to see how you have 
treated the people here with an air and vanity that only a zealot or ass would 
treat someone. Total disregard for someones personal right to have an issue, 
any issue and you swat them down with disdain and that is not need, especially 
from a company employee!!!!!

Good day
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