Briefly, because I don't want to get into depth about FBSD on an OS forum:

1) ZFS: No, I'm not planning to use ZFS on FBSD.  At least not yet.  I, too, 
have a long history with FBSD, dating back to 2.8 (??) days.  I left it circa 
6.x because of frustration with file system snafus resulting from careless 
MFC's whilst tracking SECURITY branches.  Hence, although ZFS is no longer 
listed as "experimental", I'm just paranoid enough to not trust it until it's 
withstood the test of time for a bit more time...  Maybe 9.x.  

That said, I did bring up an amd64 gpt zfs boot on 8.0-RELEASE workstation 
config w/Gnome Desktop.  My seat of the pants impression was that it felt 
sluggish compared to 2009.06 running on identical hardware. Whether this was 
due to less mature ZFS implementation or something else I cannot say.  I can 
say that such is not the case with gmirror though.

2) NFSv4:  Supposed to be ready for prime time but I've not tested, as my focus 
has been application, web, and mail server usage.

You've touched on two areas where OS leads FBSD.  ZFS, CIFS, and to lesser 
degree NFSv4 were key factors behind migrating to Open Solaris.  And also why I 
have been being patient for so long.

However, they're also more aspects to consider than technical excellence. Based 
on past experience (lots) I don't like, nor trust Oracle (the company).  The 
only "business" I'd ever want to do with ORCL is to buy on the dips and sell on 
the peaks.

Maybe OS will get a 2010.Q3 release.  Or 2010.Q4.  Or maybe yet another bait 
and switch....  But like the cartoon featuring the starving vultures perched on 
a dead tree out in no man's land; "Patience, my ass!  I'm going to go out and 
kill something!" - there comes a time when one must draw the line. 

So it's back to the land of the Free BSD.  Ironically appropriate for 
Independence Day, no?
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