"little things like FreeBSD"

You continue to make exaggerated and unsubstantiated claims such as "it's free 
open source so you can't expect it to be supported or perfect."  All the while, 
Apache, Sendmail, Postfix, Squid, Nagios, Procmail, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, 
Cactus, Dovecot, Roundcube, PostgresSQL, X Window system, gcc, Mozilla, the 
GIMP, EMACS, nginx, Perl, Python, Ruby, MySQL, innoDB, Xen, PHP, Joomla, 
Drupal, Tcl, are all open source projects and I think each of which would 
discredit your words.

Now you go on to yet again disparage FreeBSD.  Unless you live under a rock, 
then I suppose companies like Apple, Juniper, NetApp, Yahoo, netcraft.com, 
nyi.net, datapipe.net, Coyote Point, Blue Coat, are nonexistent entities to 
you, although they use FreeBSD.  This hardly makes FreeBSD a "little thing," 
and those companies, besides using the operating system also contribute to 
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