Actually, there are some important features still missing in FreeBSD: 
InfiniBand support, pNFS, Xen dom0 for x86_64, HA clustering suite, etc. But, 
FreeBSD is always free! Not everyone needs all those missing features. Consider 
that FreeBSD is and will always be free, it makes more sense to donate money to 
support the FreeBSD foundation to get these features implemented. So, the 
strategy for Oracle should be keeping OpenSolaris truely free so nobody will be 
interested in donating money to FreeBSD foundation to complete these projects 
anytime soon. Notice that FreeBSD even has a RDMA stack in the source tree. I 
loaded that RDMA kernel module and it does not crash the system. So, it is not 
too far away since Mallenox has already ported its 10GbE driver to FreeBSD. 
There may be an Infiniband driver some day. For pNFS, Calsoft has implemented a 
pNFS server on FreeBSD 4.6.2 from the base implementation of University of 
Guelph. So, it should not be difficult as well. For Xen dom0, 
 they have it working on i386. For HA, FreeBSD has HAST which was completed in 
February 2010 but is currently limited to two-nodes cluster. I really do not 
understand what Oracle is thinking.

Do not forget the security update for FreeBSD is also freely available. (Tell 
me where I can find free security update for OpenSolaris if I do not subscribe 
to OpenSolaris Support Services from before you wonder why I 
emphasize this.) The ports system on FreeBSD is also great (especially for 
people who want to compile their own software)!
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