Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>> Why do anyone need to use something closed and proprietary when there
>> is
>> open product available ?
>> (Opensolaris and distributions)
> I don't know.  Why does anyone pay for redhat?  Why does anyone pay for
> windows?  Why does anyone pay for MS Office, or Adobe Acrobat, or any other
> commercial software?
> Every one of them has a free alternative.  Why pay? 
> Because the products are not the same.  You pay for the commercial one, if
> the commercial one is the one you need.
What makes you think that Open source products are not commercial? Free
software is a little bit more then being "free to use". More like "I
could know what code is inside that binary blob I am running every day".
As opposite to "use binary and depend only on one company/provider for
Usually It is never free to operate, since one needs staff, support and
man work, etc.

People can and are willing to pay for support of open source products.

On the other hand, i am totally unwilling to pay support for any closed
source product, because that is ,like, shooting yourself in the foot
these days. With so many open source OS`es, products and technologies
> Specifically in the case of sol10 vs osol, you pay for support, because your
> server is important to the productivity of the company.  The $400/yr for
> support is nothing compared to the salaries of all the employees.  If you
> save even 1 minute throughout the year, or reduce risk to the company's
> assets, data, or employee productivity, then it's more costly to *not* have
> support.
All you say is true in both cases: Open and Closed.
I would like to inspire people to pay support for OpenSolaris instead of
Solaris. I do not care about closed Solaris at all.

But my question is, again:
 Why on earth would I pay support for closed product, when i have open
product. (to pay support to)?

Further in this thread there is multiple people talking, how open source
OS`es or/and based on free software, are actually better with real
support in general. (With and without contract)
Like you can better use manpower you have inside a company, your
knowledge can have a timely (or instant) effect on your usage, providing
you equpped yourself with ability to make your own binaries of code that
it hurting you, before waiting for someone else to do that.

As someone said, With closed source products you have to wait much
longer, always need to be subscribe to service and again wait for only
one party to see your problem as valid enough for all of the customers
fo be fixed.

With closed product, you can not apply fix buy yourself neither you can
share that fix with other, collaborate and actually put a _smaller
pressure to a Support subscription service_ you are paying.

At the end, you need support for OpenSolaris and that is what will give
you newer technology, and make maintainers who you are paying to fix
problems that might arise during period when you use product, more
cost-effective for you and others.

Support for Solaris is costly because only small number of people can
fix it, and make it available to others. OpenSolaris support just gives
more bang for a buck on every front.

Open VS Closed; Free(dom) VS Proprietary; Independent and associated VS
Dependent on one company;  Active and included VS Passive and isolated.
OpenSolaris VS Solaris.   Choose yourself.

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