One of the biggest problems I just noticed is the stall in
promoting packages from pending to contrib.

packages: 351, last updated December 15, 2009

Promoted to contrib:
packages: 186, last updated (according to browser page info) December 17, 2009.

packages: 1174, last updated April 27, 2010.

That's disgraceful, IMO.  Not sure whether the last update to pending
indicates updates not being accepted, or just impact of all the delays
and silence on participation.

To be reasonably vibrant calls for more than that.  Even server
users would benefit from many of the packages; Sun Ray server
users (remote desktops, actually) most obviously, but stuff
like Business::US::USPS::Webtools would probably get used on a
server too (just the first of no doubt many examples I happened
to see, certainly not the hardest to do for oneself).
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