And I think this is the *biggest* problem people are currently 
complaining: new version of current OSOL distro, new packages etc.

And this clearly supports my ideas:

 - OSOL as a *distribution* will never work. Even under Sun nor Oracle.
   I said that when Indiana was formed. OpenSolaris was meant to be
   the source code of entire Solaris OE, a repository. Sun made a mistake
   taken this and forming a "classic" distro: driven by Sun and somehow
   involving community. Thats a waste. From start !

 - Sun/Oracle donates a large amount of their Solaris as source code,
   presented under different consolidations. Thats great and the community 
   should think what to do with that.

 - The community should think and take this bunch of code and form
   a single reference distro, maintained *by community* with rules and 
   driven by community. Periodically the source code released from master
   ship: Sun, Oracle, etc would be merged into a new release of the community
   distro. Other distros of course can follow and have their own lifetime.

 - A communication channel should be established between the community
   and vendor, in this case Oracle. 
 - Names and procedures should be put in place in order to avoid confusion and
   cut the FUD. OGB should take a lead in establishing new rules and propose
   new operating ways.

This way we will stay close to master ship and have the distros we like.
Complaining every single day that Oracle hasnt come up with something
for OSOL is not helping anyone. The entire process should be changed to
better accommodate all parties and attract new users.

Otherwise only FUD, waste of time and bad publicity will be generated for OSOL.

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