> And you might want to check for the Release notes for
> build 134, there's a bug
> in there, that puts you into a reboot-loop. Basically
> you need to perform two
> things: rebuild the "ram-boot-disk", that can be done
> from an older (in your
> case, also the love CD!) running version, and second,
> in the menu.lst file of
> the grub bootloader, you should change the
> console=graphics into a
> console=text.
> But for details, as I didn't now look them up, check
> the release notes of
> build134...

Thanks, Don't think I am getting that far. I boot the LiveCd but at the very 
start of the Install it Crashes. I have not even had the chance to select which 
harddrive to install to.
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