> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:18 PM, David Brodbeck
> <bro...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Is there any real reason to run compiz, other than
> so you can watch your windows go up in flames or
> break into little tiny cubes when you close them?
>  That stuff sold Vista but I'm not convinced of its
> value on a *nix desktop, other than the wow factor
> when doing demos.
> Well, one feature that definitely sells me is true
> transparency, so you can
> see through a terminal window to what's underneath.
> This means you can
> leave stuff running and can get visual feedback on
> its progress, while working
> on something else, all transparently. (As it were...)

On my mac (native GUI), I have terminal windows set to a
slightly translucent black, which lets just enough through that
I can see what's happening beneath ,but not be distracted by it.
That is indeed handy in making best use of screen space sometimes.
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