On 07/25/10 02:57 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
To all those who seemed to have been confused by my reply to Ian's post please 
note the following:

1) My comments were intended as a response to Ian's assertion of the 
'inevitability of IPS'.

The inevitability of IPS I was alluding to is Oracle's Solaris. My main reason for raising the subject was Jörg's comment about having to use an old Xorg. When a project has one contributor doing 99% of the work, not following their packaging scheme is a Quixotic gesture that will doom a distribution that lacks significant resources. Someone has to build packages.

Nexenta's call to use Debian/RPM was a sound business decision. They can concentrate on adding value at the core while others supply the essential, but non-core packages.

2) The example I provided, Nexenta, is pretty strong evidence that 
incorporation of IPS is not requisite for a successful Open Solars derivative.

True, but as I said, it's strong evidence for using a widely supported packaging scheme.
3) My comments did not even touch vaguely upon any issues of technical merit of 
package systems.

Neither did mine, I am posting with my manager hat on!
4) I was here when Indiana was released.  My recollection is that there was 
quite a bit of uproar about IPS, among other things, specifically in the 
context of the manner in which Sun played their trump card.  Others are 
certainly free to interpret those events differently.

There was, but it was largely piss and wind; no one put up an alternative. I disliked it at the time and said so, but now I have belatedly adopted it, I won't be going back (even if I could).

5) Funny that I'm accused of stirring the pot when the fact of the matter is 
that Ian used the ruse of a pat on the back as a thinly veiled cover for 
effectively telling Joerg that he'd better toe the Oracle IPS line. At least 
that was my read.  Hence my response.  Your mileage may vary.

No, I didn't, there was no ruse I respect the work Jörg has done. I was expressing my view that if Jörg's distribution is to succeed, it needs to be able to draw on existing components from other sources. The OpenSolaris "community" outside of Oracle is too small to do any of devising, implementing or supporting yet another packaging scheme


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