> And you determined this how? Can you show any dtrace output, or similar?

Determined by stopping one zone and testing connectivity from global+remaining 
zone. Starting zone again and repeat.

> I think you might be confusing simpler with familiar.

I tnking your'e making an assumption without having enough facts. If I were to 
go familiar, I'd install Solaris, HPUX, AIX or Linux. Not FreeBSD.

Simpler simply refers to "where I don't have to jump through umpteen hoops 
wasting time on something that should work flawlessly on first try". 
(Open)Solaris has never held the pride of third-party hardware support. Ever. 
That it's getting better is nice. I just happen to have better things to do 
with my time than chase ghosts that weren't there in the first place.

FreeBSD does however offer ZFS, which is what I crave most. Albeit not the 
latest fanciest dedup version, but still fairly recent. If it works, good. Less 
time wasted.

> Best of luck.

Thanks, but given my luck lately, I think that's best left out of the equation 
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