Re: [osol-discuss] New onnv distro naming suggestion
Posted: Aug 4, 2010 2:23 AM   in response to: bsousapt

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Bruno Sousa <bsousa at epinfante dot com> wrote:

> How about OpenOS ? ;)

It seems that you all look for nice names, but forget that we are not living in
a vacuum. You need to find a name that is not yet in use and that has an
available domain.


Naming a project which people may want to adopt as a multi domestic brand for 
open source is very important. What means one thing to a person in the states 
means another in China. open source to be successful means bringing together 
diversity to all communities regardless of culture,creed or race. The verbal 
transfer of a project name in every language in the world. is the key to 
successful adoption.
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