Well considering prior statements from Oracle, the company has now lied to 
developers, customers, shareholders, & the general public. Word != Bond.

This material fact extends to statements & agreements prior to the sale of Sun 
to Oracle, as well as to statements made post-purchase.

Not exactly the sort of behavior that will get the company rated as a "buy" 
from any interested parties.

This also shows that Oracle values customers, not community of customers. Much 
less contributors. The only upside I can find is that it becomes pointless to 
waste any time caring about the future of the product since Oracle will do 
whatever Oracle wants. Since prior agreements do not matter, all that does 
matter is whatever they release whenever they bother to release it, under 
whatever new terms they choose at that time. It makes 5 year lifecyle planning 
rather awkward, but that's not Oracle's problem.

I didn't think Oracle had what it takes to really be about open source, this 
proves that. There is no good will in this plan to say the very least about it. 
In fact this seems to facilitate a culture of predation that Oracle is fairly 
infamous for.
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