I agreed with a lot of what Erik said. I also think that I was hasty in my 
comment about open source & Oracle. They have done it, they just haven't bitten 
off something quite as large as Sun. That alone makes it different. There's no 
way to create easy comparisons because of that too.

There was not much movement for awhile from Oracle about the OS. Now they're 
changing how they're going to do releases & that sort of thing and are putting 
more people into OS development? That's not a bad thing. Something else to 
consider is that even if this were Sun doing the same sort of things all on 
it's own, it wouldn't be the first time it happened. This is the first time 
post-purchase that it's happened, but not the first time it's happened even 
with Solaris. In fact, if you look at the marketing history even Oracle is 
still reacting to Sun's ostrich play with x86. The other thing is that the memo 
is focused inward, and it doesn't really offer complete information looking 
outward at customers. Just because they are changing what they're doing with 
releases doesn't mean that it will work out worse.
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