> From: opensolaris-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:opensolaris-
> discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Simon Phipps
> >> they own the code, they are not bound by CDDL
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Not unless they fork the code and change the license.  They are bound
> by CDDL until that happens.
> You're wrong. Oracle owns all the copyright and they do not have to
> comply with the terms of the CDDL.

I think this is simply mis-worded.

The code already released under CDDL is bound by CDDL, and oracle cannot
undo that or revoke your rights that were granted to you by CDDL.  However,
oracle is the copyright holder, so for future releases, they do not have to
use CDDL if they don't want to.

The same is true for GPL.  If you want to pay for a non-GPL license of some
GPL code, you can negotiate with the copyright holder to possibly obtain a
special license.

Because the copyright holder has granted you a license to use and modify and
redistribute code, you can.  Because the license terms explicitly state they
are permanent or perpetual, it is.  They can never revoke what they've
granted you under those terms.  But they can also grant other licenses to
other people in other situations, as they see fit.

And unless the license says something about patents ... there's a possible
issue about patents...

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