On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 13:57 -0700, Peter Jones wrote:
> Oracle decided not to support further development on Opensolaris as it
>  could not identify a clear opensource business model.Any replacement
>  or sister programme will have to be a business led proposition to be
>  successful.Clearly Oracle is of the view Technical projects per se
>  will not deliver a reliable enough future for tear one customers.Any
>  attempt at a continuation of opensolaris will be business led to
>  attract sponsors and developers longterm commitment. -- 

Don't put words in Oracle's mouth. Certainly don't try to guess what
Larry is thinking. You'll lose every time.

While the above is one *possible* explanation for Oracle's current move,
there are at least several other equally good ones. 

It's far from certain that corporate direction is needed for a
successful OS project. Sponsorship in the form of funding some
developers is really nice, but not necessary.  What *is* critical is
leadership with a clear vision and the consensus of the developer base.
That can come from a myriad of places. c.f. any of the *BSD distros.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
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