The move Sun->Oracle is casuing serious problems for mid-range customers & 
resellers, here in Italy. Listen to this (happened few weeks ago).

We are sys admins of some Sun muchines we've sold to a customer in the Sun era.
A T5120 with a ZFS mirror, had a disk fault, causing cyclic reset of the 
Our hardware guy ran to the customer, disabled the disk and moved it out of the 
Upon reboot the machine started normally, with the remaining disk.
The customer had Sun Silver support.
We called Oracle support to have a substitution disk (we had no spare part of 
that size):
- 4 hours with a lady trying to find the support contract...
- Finally we could talk with a technician, whose 1st response to the problem 
was: "...why do you run such a shitty hardware? why don't you just change it?" 
(luckily we were not in open conversation with the customer......)
- After sometimes of discussion, they told us they would send a techincian to 
put the new disk.....2 days later! What if it was a mainboard crash???
- So, our hardware guy had hard times to convince them we did not need the 
technician but just the disk! We can do the work by ourselves!...but they did 
not you think I want an unknown technician to come to my customer 
and work on the machine???

At last, after almost one day, we had Oracle to send us the disk the next day, 
and we could resilver the machine....

Is this hardware support???
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