On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:48 PM, William Bauer <bqba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, someone 'splain me somethin'....
> I get how Solaris and OpenSolaris work, what packages are, IPS, how to 
> install stuff, and all that.  Been doing it for a couple decades.  And by the 
> way, I'm still holding out hope for the Solaris 11 developer release to 
> effectively replace OpenSolaris.  But I digress.
> I don't understand much about Linux, so I'm very confused at how Nexenta and 
> StormOS are "based on Ubuntu", as the Nexenta web site says.  It seems to me 
> it's based on (Open)Solaris.  What exactly is the tie-in with Ubuntu and/or 
> Linux?  I find this very confusing.

Nexenta uses apt/dpkg pacjaging system, and it provides a repository
with about 13000 Ubuntu packages ported to OpenSolaris. So it's the
Ubuntu userland on top of OpenSolaris.

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