Just one question, is it possible for the Fedora provides these images for
PPC64 as well? We are using a Fedora image in our environment, but we
weren't able to make this Image smaller.

Kind regards,
Arx Cruz

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 5:01 AM, Kashyap Chamarthy <kcham...@redhat.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 03:43:40PM +1000, Ian Wienand wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > To summarize recent discussions, nobody is opposed in general to
> > having Fedora / Centos included in the gate.  However, it raises a
> > number of "big" questions : which job(s) to run on Fedora, where does
> > the quota for extra jobs come from, how do we get the job on multiple
> > providers, how stable will it be, how will we handle new releases,
> > centos v fedora, etc.
> >
> > I think we agreed in [1] that the best thing to do is to start small,
> > get some experience with multiple platforms and grow from there.  Thus
> > the decision to target a single job to test just incoming devstack
> > changes on Fedora 20.  This is a very moderate number of changes, so
> > adding a separate test will not have a huge impact on resources.
> >
> > Evidence points to this being a good point to start.  People
> > submitting to devstack might have noticed comments from "redhatci"
> > like [2] which reports runs of their change on a variety of rpm-based
> > distros.  Fedora 20 has been very stable, so we should not have many
> > issues.  Making sure it stays stable is very useful to build on for
> > future gate jobs.
> >
> > I believe we decided that to make a non-voting job we could just focus
> > on running on Rackspace and avoid the issues of older fedora images on
> > hp cloud.  Longer term, either a new hp cloud version comes, or DIB
> > builds the fedora images ... either way we have a path to upgrading it
> > to a voting job in time.  Another proposal was to use the ooo cloud,
> > but dprince feels that is probably better kept separate.
> >
> > Then we have the question of the nodepool setup scripts working on
> > F20.  I just tested the setup scripts from [3] and it all seems to
> > work on a fresh f20 cloud image.  I think this is due to kchamart,
> I should be honest and correct that I didn't fix anything myself, execpt
> co-ordinating with Fedora package maintainers on a sudo issue and a
> couple of other related things clarkb pointed out :-)
> > peila2 and others who've fixed parts of this before.
> >
> > So, is there:
> >
> >  1) anything blocking having f20 in the nodepool?
> >  2) anything blocking a simple, non-voting job to test devstack
> >     changes on f20?
> Thanks for co-ordinating this, Ian, Fedora on Gate would be quite
> useful.
> I generally do most of my testing on Fedora 20 and Rawhide (when
> possible) trying to stay close to upstream, so count me in for assisting
> in debugging any issues while testing.
> I just read the IRC conversation and read this
>   "clarkb> because no one has up to date fedora images for us"
> Two sources of reliable Fedora images I can think of:
>   - Fedora project already provides[1] updated (i.e., the below qcow2 image
>     already has the fixes for the OpenSSL 'heartbleed' issue) Fedora
>     images designed to work in OpenStack environments -- the kickstart
>     file[2] used to generate the Fedora image describes it.
>   - Alternatively, the virt-builder project[3] also currently provides
>     cryptographically signed templates of minimal Fedora images[4].
>     How the images are generated is described here[5].
>   [1] http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora-latest.x86_64.qcow2
>   [2]
> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/cloud-kickstarts.git/tree/generic/fedora-20.ks
>   [3] http://libguestfs.org/virt-builder.1.html
>   [4] http://libguestfs.org/download/builder/
>   [5] http://libguestfs.org/download/builder/README
> --
> /kashyap
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