
Am Donnerstag, 16. November 2006 09:31 schrieb Andreas Jaeger:
> Christian Boltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > b) Bug 215355 ("my" one): taboo'ing a pattern does not taboo the
> >    contained packages - which is (maybe) technically correct, but
> > very confusing for users
> >
> > Please read bug 215355, especially comment #4 and #5.
> Ah I see - yes, we have to find ways to improve this in 10.3,

IMHO you should change it in 10.2 already ;-)

A proposal that doesn't do any harm and avoids lots of confusion:

Current behaviour:
If I click the checkmark of a selected pattern, it switches to "taboo".

- switch to "do not install" (empty checkbox) (not to "taboo")
- taboo should _only_ be available via right mouse button because it's 
  very rarely used for patters


Christian Boltz
liegt es vielleicht an den lauschigen 34°, die der Prozessor oder sowas
nicht mitmacht? -> Soll ich mit dem Rechner jetzt zum Baggersee rausfah-
ren und ihm ne Abkühlung verpassen... [Sebastian Schulze in suse-linux]
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