On Fri, 11 May 2007 07:21:15 -0400
"Cristian Rodriguez R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stephan von Krawczynski escribió:
> > Why not make the most of the work that is done anyway?
>   huh ? the most work eh ? try yourself first.  ;-)
> The issue is (to recall
> > that again), that PHP4 is no part of 10.2/10.3 
> and will certainly continue this way, there are no plans to put PHP4
> back into the distribution again evne more now that is going out of support.

Besides SLES9 as we heard earlier this thread.
> >although PHP5 is no
> > real migration
> Really ? so why the top linux vendors (RHEL/SLES) "sells" php5 only
> nowdays ? because nobody buy it ? ;-)

I can't help your limited view of things done with the distro, sorry.
> option for webhosters with countless customer scripts not
> > working correctly under PHP5.
> scripts that are easily fixable with none of very small amount of work.

Really, Cristian, it makes no sense to repeat wrong statements over and over
again. You have no idea of the scripts and you have no idea of the _number of
scripts_ you are talking here. And that's why you have no idea of the amount
of work in total to fix them and tell every single customer that you fixed
them. Stay in your small world, be happy and drop the issue.
And if you want to do quick patches that are needed fix rdesktop which is also
broken for a significant amount of terminalservers in 10.2.
I am off the list.

Stephan von Krawczynski

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