On 6 September 2010 12:52, Henne Vogelsang <hvo...@opensuse.org> wrote:
> Kostas,
> On 09/05/2010 08:26 AM, Kostas Boukouvalas wrote:
>> On 25 August 2010 15:45, Henne Vogelsang <hvo...@opensuse.org
>>>> We started the first ever greek web portal about openSUSE.
>>>> http://www.opensuse.org.gr
>>> Great to see someone taking care of the greek part of our community.
>>> It's really appreciated. But why don't you translate our landingpage to
>>> greek instead of setting up your own page? :) You can then point your
>>> domain to www.opensuse.org/gr <http://www.opensuse.org/gr>. We
>>> already have an infrastructure in
>>> place for translating most of our infrastructure. I'm more than happy to
>>> help you with getting this going.
>> This goes for me, because starting the translations many years ago with
>> others, we were surprised when we first saw the translated page of
>> el.opensuse.org <http://el.opensuse.org>. We found the translator then,
>> but as many of that era greek opensuse members, is not currently active.
> Translating a wiki is a group effort. If you wan't to take charge of
> that you just have to say so. Especially if the person who started it is
> gone :)

We currently have me and only one more person with fluent English in
our resurrected greek team.

>> So, yes, it would be a Goal also to have the official greek opensuse
>> page, up-to-date. For this as well as for the greek opensuse
>> translations we will start our engines by October 1st.
> Okay cool. That would be great!
>>> The reason i ask is that we have seen too many localized pages gone
>>> stale over the time with no possibility for us to put new people on the
>>> task. So please stay "inside" the project instead of doing your own
>>> infrastructure :)
>> Yes but we would like to have the autonomy of opensuse.org.gr
> Autonomy from what? From the openSUSE project?
> We are an open source project where many people jointly work on a lot of
> things. On the distribution, the wiki or on spreading the word on
> conferences. We also work together on our web-pages. So if you want to
> contribute to the openSUSE projects web presence it makes little sense
> to keep your contributions outside the project on your own page. You
> should instead help to make the official pages better for the reasons i
> stated above.

So, now that the domain opensuse.org.gr exists, what do you suggest to
do? To redirect it to the official site, the wiki? We' ll probably do
it, if thats they way everybody works, and ok, it would make things
easier for us, cause we' ll don't have to admin another joomla
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