Hi Carlos

On Miércoles, 29 de Septiembre de 2010 23:47:52 Carlos Ribeiro escribió:
> Javier,
> Pretty good idea, also I believe will be good if you talk a little bit
> about our project and idea with Manu because as I know he is working on
> a project called suseware, http://suseware.com/home/ and If I'm not
> mistake the main purpose of suseware is to delivery training materials
> for openSUSE using moodle as LMS tool.

I didn't know suseware. I have visited its website but I can't see any content 
(only icons which bring you nowhere). Maybe it's me?

My main idea isn't making it as a training material. It's more of a quick 
reference book or cookbook.
> Also I have some links that I like to share with you tha I think could
> be used as good references for your project.
> http://www.easywebtech.com/ebooks/Free_Suse_ebooks_Download-0.html
> http://ocw.novell.com/suse-linux-enterprise-desktop/get-ready-for-open-sour
> ce-suse-linux-enterprise-desktop-book-1
> http://ocw.novell.com/suse-linux-enterprise-desktop/get-ready-for-open-sou
> rce-suse-linux-enterprise-desktop-book-2 http://www.opensuse-guide.org/
> http://ocw.novell.com/ - so good
> http://www.novell.com/documentation/opensuse113/pdfdoc/art_osuse_installqui
> ck_113/art_osuse_installquick_113.pdf
> http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Lessons_for_Lizards
> http://www.novell.com/documentation/opensuse113
> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Cheat_sheets
> http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:How_to_migrate_to_a_new_openSUSE_version

Thanks for the rain of links!! :-)
> Another topic that I would like to talk with you about your project is
> "localizations" What do you think to have this material at least
> localized to all ambassadors native languages? I believe as ambassadors
> we have a valuable skill to be explored, almost of us have some kind of
> influence in some universities, then I believe we can try to find
> volunteers within universities and schools to help us to speed up the
> localization process.

Of course. The more translations, the better. Nevertheless, I think it's 
better to focus on English to begin with and later on "freeze" it to help 
> more bellow..
> Em Qua, 2010-09-29 às 21:59 +0200, Jos Poortvliet escreveu:
> > On Wednesday 29 September 2010 20:27:11 Javier Llorente wrote:
> > > Hello there,
> > > 
> > > I was thinking that having an openSUSE Handbook (or handbuch ;) in pdf
> > > format ready to be downloaded, printed and even ready to be sent to a
> > > publishing company is a good idea.
> > 
> > > So, here's my proposal:
> > <snip>
> Could not be also available in other open documentation format? To help
> other ambassadors to download and adapt to their needs or even
> end-users, developers and companies. Let's suppose that we got such big
> companies like Petrobras, Banco do Brasil, Pegeot, HSBC, that already
> are hard openSUSE or SLE based adopters and they wishes to have their
> own opensuse handbook - with more focus, contents, screenshots to but
> based and adapted to their own openSUSE usage and needs.

Sure. It could be in more than one format. That's something to take into 
account once this takes off.
> > > Second, we would have to write about those topics not included in the
> > > wiki and review those already written. That way we would have more
> > > relevant bits in both the wiki and handbook. Each topic doesn't have
> > > to be 100 page long ;-)
> > > 
> > > And last but not least we would have to put all the pieces together and
> > > make it available in pdf.
> My comments here are identical as let above. Also could be available for
> other open formats, not only pdf.
> > > Drawbacks:
> > > We would need to update some of its contents for each openSUSE release.
> > > It needs more than two people to make it happen ;-)
> Let's try to use some universities cooperation. If we develop a kind of
> openSUSE universities partnership proposal could be very helpful but
> also possible without this partnership proposal ;) - Public and Private
> schools and universities the only difference is how to approach ;)

Cooperating with universities is a good idea. The thing is to contact the 
right people to present this to I suppose, unless you already know them or 
know someone who knows them.

> > > On the other hand, I think that the handbook would make openSUSE more
> > > "visible" and a bit more "ready to use."
> Sure
> > > Comments and suggestions are welcome! :-)
> > 
> > Ambitious, but a good idea. We can do the writing either on the wiki or
> > in piratepads (but piratepad has been acting up lately, I really really
> > hope someone feels like setting up an Etherpad for openSUSE).
> > 
> > If you want, take this on. As in, be the project manager ;-)
> > 
> > So create the wiki's, try and put in some preliminary info and get ppl to
> > write...
> > 
> > > Cheers,
> best luck and wishes
> CarlosRibeiro
> PS Do not forget to take a chat with Manu about your thoughts

What's his nickname?

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

Javier Llorente

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