On Tuesday 05 October 2010 02:55:40 S.Kemter wrote:
> Hello,
> Next month on 13th and 14th November is in Oberhausen an Linux event called 
> OpenRheinRuhr.
> http://openrheinruhr.de/
> Its the second edition of this event, last year it was in Bottrop and this 
> year it will be in Oberhausen at Rheinisches Industriemuseum. Marcel Richter, 
> Thomas Groß and me go there but Thomas have a talk and me have an workshop 
> and 
> a talk there so help is always welcome.

Yeah, some KDE folks have been nagging about that as well - and I figured it 
ain't far nor expensive for me, depending on the price of hotels there. I'm 
figuring out the costs for the trip and see what I can do. You think you can 
use me, mr Kemter?

> When u have time and fun to help at the openSUSE booth, send me an message
> br gnokii

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