On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 21:43 +0200, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> Please note that what I am trying to say is not that you guys made a
> wrong 
> choice. It simply depends on what you think the Weekly news is for,
> what the 
> goal is. And as you guys are making it, that is very much your
> decision. If 
> you want to inform the community about what is going on, then
> something like 
> Nelson's blog might belong in there. If you want to be a marketing
> tool, then 
> it doesn't. As I don't think that choice has been made you have done
> nothing 
> wrong ;-) 


Please read that paragraph, the times necessary to understand if there's
a flaw there. Be careful at some point you imply that if they don't
follow a certain direction, they are not doing marketing work. Careful
with such statements.

In a way you imply that if they take seriously peoples criticism and
portrait some more 'sensible' stuff, they might not be marketing. That's
not I see it. It might not be good to our audience. 

My post wasn't meant about bashing down, was meant about highlighting
the complicated path that {Libre,Open}Office have ahead. As a community
and knowing how much is in stake (a lot, that's why many people saw it
as negative, because they are ignoring those points, and that's bad for
them), we support Libre Office as a community.

I think that people are so obcessed with 'legalese' and code, that
sometimes they forget that in the case of products like openoffice and
LibreOffice their success is not tied only to us, within a linux distro,
than also with the everyday consumer. They for sudre will not see the
things with the fundamentalism that we do.

People also fail to neglect, that one of the greatest strengths of the
free office suits, for example openoffice.org is the vast number of
contributions in non-code areas, for example thesaurus and dictionaries.
I apologize, you will end up by splitting also that part of the
community... and I wonder how many of you, coders, have actually
contributed for a dictionary contents or thesaurus... or that is not
important? That's one of your greatests strengths, you and also will be
splitting those contributions. Upstream doesn't really work a lot for
this kinda stuff. You are neglecting a lot. Sorry, I tried to open your

Satoru, Sasha: Thanks for caring. I share the same view, that
contributors will does matter. Congratulations for an awesome job. I
will remove my feeds, because I'm not willing to fight useless fights.
Thanks for seeing something 'special' on my article and maybe for
understanding it's contents, which clearly many people failed to. You
have my gratitude and my respect. My english is bad, but there is
anything I can assist you with, I can spare 2 hours a week for it.

Guys, please, lets end this :)
It's a cultural thing.


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