Dear marketing team!

PLEASE help us get the message out on the successful openSUSE conference.

We need to make sure that articles like the one below:

do not come up again!

Help us promote this. Submit it to your local and to international websites 
and magazines. I wrote a little piece you could use as a short intro:

Last week the openSUSE conference happened in Nuremberg, Germany. Instead of 
deciding to fork a major desktop, the conference focused on 'collaboration 
across borders' and the results are showing. Fedora visitors worked with 
openSUSE developers to integrate systemd and dracut in openSUSE 11.4, 
LibreOffice held their first conference track, project Bretzn (let's make 
developers' life easier) was announced and it became known that Mageia 
discusses use of the openSUSE Build Service.

Send this to sites like, etcetera. Please help!


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