On Friday 29 October 2010 04:57:52 Nelson Marques wrote:
> Jos,
> How we can use a Portuguese translation? It's something I can provide on
> a blink, though I would love that Carlos Ribeiro could take a look into
> it.
> Just create a wiki page, or whatever suits you, I'll make it happen with
> 48 hours tops.

I actually have no idea how that would work, translating news.o.o. Anyone?

> For distribution, I am not aware of much channels in Portugal, most is
> dead. I can do some ninja posting on some foruns. There's ANSOL
> (http://www.ansol.org) which I would prefer you to contact, they are
> pretty much the only channel.
> In Brazil, I'm not sure, but Carlos pretty much owns his way around, I'm
> sure it can help him as well :)
> I would probably suggest if we could ask people which are present in
> other projects, for example GNOME to blog a bit about it. By the way
> awesome job on kde.org :).

Surely good point - ask away :D

>  nm
> On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 02:15 +0200, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> > Help us promote this. Submit it to your local and to international
> > websites
> > and magazines. I wrote a little piece you could use as a short intro:
> > 
> > Last week the openSUSE conference happened in Nuremberg, Germany.
> > Instead of
> > deciding to fork a major desktop, the conference focused on
> > 'collaboration
> > across borders' and the results are showing. Fedora visitors worked
> > with
> > openSUSE developers to integrate systemd and dracut in openSUSE 11.4,
> > LibreOffice held their first conference track, project Bretzn (let's
> > make
> > developers' life easier) was announced and it became known that
> > Mageia
> > discusses use of the openSUSE Build Service.

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