
Good question, hard to give answer but I'll try to let some cents here
and because of a wide options of answers this message could be quite
long, sorry

I think to spread the openSUSE word to a much broader audience we need

* We need to see and be more involved outside Linux and technical world.

I mean, if we start to try to be more closer to doctors, pharmacists,
financial analysts, retail people, physicists, mathematicians,
naturalists, astronomers, scientists, historians, educators, persons
with disabilities of any kind, designers, ... we will be able to better
understand their needs and pains, helping them to find the best it
solutions for each one

Will be very helpful if we understand what is happening inside these
different areas of knowledge, perhaps by participating in conferences,
mailing lists, making questionnaires focused on each segment
disseminated by their teachers (us) in universities, specialized blogs
and sites.

Indians Cassinos in Milwaukee Area
What is the solution to their security, stability, audit control system
for the casino. What about one of us participate at the annual Indians
cassinos CIO's meeting next time and give them a nice speech about how
much openSUSE can help. And how much secure, flexible, stable, reliable,
and profitable they can be if invest and use openSUSE as infra-structure
for their IT environment

Agribusiness in Brazil Jataí-
Does anyone knows if there is exist any free software that meets the
needs of an agribusiness. Any application or suite, crm... and if this
exists is this already homologated for openSUSE? What is the procedure
to get 3th parties applications homologated to openSUSE?

Also We can try to increase our base inviting decision makers to
understand and evaluate openSUSE - and hopefully bring them to our side
using non-tech discuss to convince but preferable using the beneficies
from inside and around openSUSE ecosystem (I'm talking about CIO, CTO,
CFO, and Managers from any kind of market, and to get this task done, I
believe ambassadors power and networking could be very helpful.

Some questions that may be answered to help us to get better results and
bigger audience next year.
Does we already know where ambassadors want to be next year? In what
events does we want to participate? If there is any chance in future to
have some kind of specialization in the ambassador program, which
specializations do you like to see? none?

Which websites we would like to be publish articles and interviews
related to openSUSE, I'm not talking about big ones, but the local ones.

I think Interviews can really help us, because keeping all ambassadors
on the same page, besides serving as a tool of mass communication. We
could have a schedule of interviews conducted monthly by the

What about Ambassadors aggregate feed/rss for planet. Will be nice if
all ambassadors subscribe their own blogs in a central point like this 

Ambassadors could go and look for good and interesting people to be
interviewd by us, also the interviewed could be another ambassador from
another country and share their experiences and initiatives  with others
ambassadors, or we find a way to interview a developer from IBM and
listen about their activities and contributions made to the platform
SUSE / openSUSE, 
Same for developers from VMware, Intel, Novell ... These interviews
could be immediately translated to English language to enable all others
ambassadors to translated into as many languages as possible. These
interviews could also be long-term integrated and distributed via itunes
in the channel of openSUSE, and the same is valid for other tools for

Could be hard to get this one, but short interviews in mass tv channels
such as CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Globe, could help us to get there. Specially
because some of them already use openSUSE ;)

Success stories using openSUSE. Ambassadors can create, maintain and
disseminate this list in conferences and FOSS during speech. I think if
we have some good and successful cases to show up, others will be able
to learn and do the same way or even better increasing our audience a
little more.

CIO's, CTO's, CFO's, sponsors, media news, end user ... all love and
gets benefits from success cases. 

Our friend openSUSE Ambassador Alessandro Faria, Cabelo - has an great
sentence, which may help us understand and increase our audience too.
"Collaborating brings friends, competition brings enemies"

Last and most important imho is educational, university, school,
kind-garden or something like that. we need to have asap a partnership
program dedicated to achieve these area.


Em Qui, 2010-11-04 às 11:03 +0900, Satoru Matsumoto escreveu:
> Some of you may have read the blog post about openSUSE Conference by
> Brian Proffitt, one of the most famous writers in Linux and FLOSS world.
> He wrote:
> "The conference, which had the theme "Collaboration across Borders,"
> seemed almost completely non-existent in the US tech media. Most of the
> coverage I could find was in the German trade press. Hardly any beyond
> that. (...)"
> So the question is, was our advertising campaign for OSC enough to
> spread the word to a much broader audience of people beyond openSUSE
> community?
> You may know there are some active Linux/FLOSS news sites such as:
> Linux Today
> LXer
> I, as a editor of Weekly News, regularly go around those sites to see if
> there are some interesting news on Linux/FLOSS. But to be honest, I
> could find only few entries about OSC on those sites. I think that was
> one of the reason why Brian felt OSC was "almost completely non-existent
> in the US tech media".
> If an information is aimed at only openSUSE commynity, writing an
> article on {news,lizards}.o.o and posting it to opensuse-* lists would
> be just enough. But some information should be reached to a much broader
> people beyond openSUSE community.
> So I'm going to submit openSUSE related news to those sites when I think
> they might be interesting also for people beyond openSUSE community. If
> you know other active news sites in addition to above 3 sites, please
> let me know. ;-)
> But since I'm just an volunteer and my time is limited, that cannot be
> done only by me. Your help will be always welcomed. :-)
> Best,
> -- 
> _/_/     Satoru Matsumoto - openSUSE Member - Japan _/_/
> _/_/  Marketing/Weekly News/openFATE Screening Team _/_/
> _/_/ mail: / irc: HeliosReds _/_/
> _/_/       _/_/

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