Am Dienstag 09 November 2010, 13:32:32 schrieb Jos Poortvliet:
> On 2010-11-09 S wrote:
> > Am Montag 08 November 2010, 16:56:50 schrieb Jos Poortvliet:
> > > On 2010-11-07 Kostas wrote:
> > > > Hi
> > > > We were trying to thing ways in order to promote SUSE Studio which we
> > > > think is something great,we were thinking SS and OBS mostly because
> > > > we want people that use another distribution to know those two great
> > > > tools and become more familiar with the openSUSE project.
> > > > 
> > > >  So what is the story,as the Greek openSUSE team we are installing
> > > > 
> > > > openSUSE distribution and some other distributions to some old
> > > > computers that a branch of scouts have but we are talking with some
> > > > other higher grade (national) scouts so that we install FOSS to other
> > > > branches around Greece.We had the problem that the PC's are really
> > > > old and we need a lighter distribution,so Stathis said "Ok I'll try
> > > > to make one on SUSE Studio" and I thought why should we do it and
> > > > don't let other people be creative,let other people know this great
> > > > tool and give anyone who wants the pleasure of making an operating
> > > > system by himself?
> > > > 
> > > >  So we thought why don't we ask for permission for the scout logos
> > > >  and
> > > > 
> > > > stuff and make a contest about who will create a Custom Scout
> > > > Distribution?
> > > > We are thinking in giving everyone a starter pack with logos and
> > > > stuff that Scout want included in the distribution to download from
> > > > a page,give a dead end(with plenty of time,not because people might
> > > > need time to create a distribution but give us the time to promote
> > > > it BIG),after that give some people to test all the distributions
> > > > and finally the Greek openSUSE team and the Scouts(or maybe only the
> > > > scouts) to choose the winner.I would like to ask if openSUSE can
> > > > send us something to put as a prize,something symbolic, I really
> > > > don't know.
> > > > 
> > > >  Finally we have an 'official'  Greek Scout openSUSE distribution and
> > > > 
> > > > after that if all this go well  we could try on organizing a global
> > > > contest about it,only think what might follow after that..Other
> > > > organizations and a great marketing opening opening doors for
> > > > openSUSE project around the world. You might think we are crazy or
> > > > dreamers or what ever, we don't bother because we are...
> > > 
> > > Really an awesome idea! I like it a lot. How about I get you in contact
> > > with the SUSE Studio marketing people at Novell, they might want to
> > > help you with this?!?
> > > 
> > > > Kostas 'Warlordfff' Koudaras
> > 
> > sorry, but we are not responsible for market SUSE Studio, why its called
> > not openSUSE Studio? Because its a product of SUSE Linux not a subproject
> > of openSUSE
> YOU are not responsible for anything - everything you do you take on
> yourself. Indeed, SUSE Studio is not a direct openSUSE product nor open
> source (though closely related and free to use). I gladly promote it as it
> reflects very positive on openSUSE that something as cool as Studion is
> build upon our stuff...
> One more thing: remember Henne's keynote: DO NOT put down efforts of
> anyone.

there are always two sides of the medal. Hennes "Do it" means when 2 guys do 
it on the other side one does it for nothing e.g. Hope this guy stay on the 
end in the project but I fear not.

on this case here it means, sure we can market SUSE Studio but have we time 
and resources for it or should we look better for the points we are 

br gnokii
> > br gnokii

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