On 2010-11-04 Bryen wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-11-04 at 11:03 +0900, Satoru Matsumoto wrote:
> > Some of you may have read the blog post about openSUSE Conference by
> > Brian Proffitt, one of the most famous writers in Linux and FLOSS world.
> > http://www.itworld.com/open-source/125538/opensuse-conference-a-time-intr
> > ospection
> > 
> > He wrote:
> > "The conference, which had the theme "Collaboration across Borders,"
> > seemed almost completely non-existent in the US tech media. Most of the
> > coverage I could find was in the German trade press. Hardly any beyond
> > that. (...)"
> > 
> > So the question is, was our advertising campaign for OSC enough to
> > spread the word to a much broader audience of people beyond openSUSE
> > community?
> > 
> > You may know there are some active Linux/FLOSS news sites such as:
> > Linux Today
> > http://www.linuxtoday.com/
> > LXer
> > http://lxer.com/
> > EntirelyOpenSource.com
> > http://www.entirelyopensource.com/
> > 
> > I, as a editor of Weekly News, regularly go around those sites to see if
> > there are some interesting news on Linux/FLOSS. But to be honest, I
> > could find only few entries about OSC on those sites. I think that was
> > one of the reason why Brian felt OSC was "almost completely non-existent
> > in the US tech media".
> > 
> > If an information is aimed at only openSUSE commynity, writing an
> > article on {news,lizards}.o.o and posting it to opensuse-* lists would
> > be just enough. But some information should be reached to a much broader
> > people beyond openSUSE community.
> > 
> > So I'm going to submit openSUSE related news to those sites when I think
> > they might be interesting also for people beyond openSUSE community. If
> > you know other active news sites in addition to above 3 sites, please
> > let me know. ;-)
> > 
> > But since I'm just an volunteer and my time is limited, that cannot be
> > done only by me. Your help will be always welcomed. :-)
> > 
> > Best,
> I think it is worth reviewing where we are and how we can improve on
> this.  It seems only natural that media in Germany and around there
> would have picked up on the news best.  But at the sme time, we do lose
> out on showing that openSUSE project is global.
> To that end, we are building up a special mailing list for press people
> to subscribe to and receive relevant announcements and press releases.
> We need to grow it more.  So anyone who has names and email addresses to
> recommend, please forward to AJ, Jos or me.
> Furthermore, we need to address our own internal strategy within the
> team for how we publicize ourselves.  And social media still figures
> prominently in this area, and to that, we need to have the brainstorming
> session we've talked about recently about how to improve and leverage
> our masses to spread even further.
> But the heart of what you are saying is absolutely important.   You're
> saying we're preaching to the choir too much and need to talk outside of
> our groups when publicising news.   +10000 for this.   Let's confab and
> figure out the best way to break out from our shell and show the world
> we're still here and standing!

Well, besides the value of talking, I think Satoru does exactly the right 
thing: going out and Just Doing It (TM) :D

If half the ppl on this list post push 1 article from news.o.o to an 
international news site per year, we'd be doing 1000 times better than now :D

In general, the news.o.o team (or lack there-of) should be responsible for 
this. I say lack there-of because despite the fact that there are a bunch of 
ppl (including me) who have access to news.o.o, there is no communication 
about articles. I think that's bad and want to change that. But consering 
henne's plans for news.o.o (henne, any further ideas on that front?) I'm 
unsure where to move right now...

> Bryen M yunashko

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