
Sorry for the late reply... It's been postponed for the summer. So we
hold on for a bit, at least until March after the easter. The School
of Estarreja is currently (since the summer) under major changes (I
don't know how to say it in english, but they are rebuilding the
buildings) and they are having problems with space's as they had to
shutdown one of the buildings for the winter due to the works.

I have postponed it for after the easter and in March I'm going there
again. Sorry for the trouble.


2010/10/27 Nelson Marques <>:
>  Dear all,
>  During November {22,23,26} I'll be giving a small introduction to Free
> Software and GNU/Linux in the local high school.
>  This will cover 43 students on the IT branch. Regarding the event
> itself it's organized as follows (it's pretty much informal):
>  Session #1 - Introduction (50 + 50 mins)
>  - Introduce Free Software;
>  - Install a Linux Distribution (was actually thinking on using
> openSUSE 11.3, free choice GNOME/KDE).
>  - Software Repositories and Package management.
>  Session #2 - Free Desktop and Productivity (50 + 50 mins)
>  - Configure and tweak GNOME/KDE;
>  - Introduction to productivity applications;
>  Session #3 - Collaboration & Aftermath
>  - Collaboration across Free Software;
>  - Developing skills and interacting with FOSS Communities;
>  - Aftermath (includes grabbing all the feedback we can use, small
> group session informal talk with the students).
>  The dates are 90% sure, but they might be changed, as there were
> concerns in trying to make this on a week where they don't have
> evaluation tests and this part of the trimester is complicated for
> students. Either way, if there are changes, they will be decided during
> the next week.
>  From this event we earn:
>  * Feedback;
>  * A cool article for our wiki/blog sphere;
>  * Some local advertising on local newspapers (I can't grant this, but I
> will push it forward, including on the radio if possible, since this
> actually for the benefit of the local people).
>  * Some photos, though I don't legally if we can use them or not because
> they are children (minors), and as a marketeer I would hate to make
> usage of them. I would probably dodge this issue by asking to have them
> posted on the school website.
>  What I could use:
>  * Installation Media.
>  * USB sticks (I have those sorted out, a local corporation will sponsor
> those, all installs and such are going to be made on USB sticks, one per
> student).
>  Can I get some media shipped to the school? I would rather have it
> shipped to the Administration of the School than exactly to me. I do
> have stickers I brought from the conference, so I will be using them as
> well.
>  Nelson.

nelson marques
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