There was discussion in the "common language" threadabout creating videos 
which would require new thread, so let me put previous discussion in this 

Video is a lovely idea, but do we have any contributors who are keen
and capable with video? As far as I know our video tools on linux, as
Rajko mentions, are not mature so we are probably not attracting keen
video creators to openSUSE.

It takes a lot of time and effort to make a good quality video so
people either have to be very keen to do it, or we need to feel that
it's the very best way to present that particular information.

There is more to creating a good video than just hitting 'record'. And
I mean in terms of user experience, not just technical issues. As a
user, I hate long, slow videos that take too long. I can scan a page
of text very quickly to pull out the information I need. A video I
have to watch to the end, and if someone takes too long I get
impatient and think about all the download megabytes they are chewing

Technically, vision quality needs to be great and if it isn't
available in a high enough resolution, I can have trouble seeing the
screenshots even with my glasses.

So not only does a video creator need a good understanding of openSUSE
and the feature(s) they are demonstrating, but also a good
understanding of how to present that information and explain it well
in a straightforward, clear way, as well as having the technical
ability to record and publish it correctly.

Kim Leyendecker:
Q:What want we do on the video?
A: To show how you can connect with the internet, browsing with firefox
and getting mails with KMail or Thunderbird

Q. For which people this video could be interesting?
A: For not-technical people I think.

Where can we discuss this without boring others?

We can create a website. Maybe or something
like this. Then we make three categories:

1.) Beginner
2.) Advanced
3.) Poweruser

And people who thinks they are beginners, can watch this, people who are
"advanced" donĀ“t need to watch the podcasts/vids of the beginners.

A Poweruser can watch videos about working as root on the shell or
compiling the kernel.

we have to write a script. Basically what do we want on the video?what
duration? what target user? where can we discuss this without boring

> Kim: We can create a website. Maybe or something
> like this. Then we make three categories:

no. I do't where we can publish but where we can discuss the content
of the video, the script and the making of. I can create a mailing
list of my own (I don't think we need yet an openSUSE one)or simply

please, interested people, contact me privately asap

@ anyone that looks to create new page that will be used to publish videos:
We don't want to publish videos on a new web page.
* There are server creation and maintenance issues.
* There are issues with site/page ranking of the new page, and also ability of 
people to guess proper wording that will help them find the page.
We don't want to put effort in something that can be found only by few.

There is YouTube that almost everyone knows, and that is the place where we 
must publish videos. For preview purposes we can use some other, not so 
popular site, but final release must go to the YouTube *and* other places.

It is as simple as  when you want people to see your ad and you go where 
people go, not to the deserts or islands lost in the ocean. 

Do I have to contact you privately after this post?  :)

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