On Saturday 08 January 2011 12:07:38 Kim Leyendecker wrote:
> Am 07.01.2011 17:27, schrieb Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr):
> > From my short experience, when I install openSUSE to a friend's
> > computer and he/she faces a problem, he/she will call me and not ask
> > the question to the list or forum, even if he/she is interested in
> > computers and is an average user. I'm 100% sure that he/she will call
> > me and ask me: "Stathis, I have a problem...".
> > 
> > Regarding the school focusing, Mr Stallman told us that when we go to
> > schools to promote FOSS the reply is "but the kids will use windows at
> > their jobs, so we don't need FOSS" and when we promote FOSS to
> > companies they reply "but the kids in school are taught in windows. We
> > need money to re-educate them on FOSS".
> To first: Yes, I know these problemes. Always there´s a problem with a
> computer in my family (they all using Windows, so they _are_ problems)
> they call me. Sometimes I came with a openSUSE 11.2 GNOME live-CD and
> saved somethings.
> But if I say, that Linux is the optimal OS, they just laugh at me and
> say, that Windows is much better (they don´t show any arguments pro
> Windows, they just say: no. I don´t wanna Linux).

You should stop helping with windows problems. Tell them you use linux and 
don't know about windows or don't want to know. If they want your help they 
can use linux. Seriously. I did this, moved some ppl over to linux and the 
others don't bother me with stupid windows questions anymore!

> To second: I know a school right here, that using Linux. First, the
> Heinrich-Böll-Gymnasium here, that uses Debian, and the Gymnasium zum
> Altenforst, that uses Linux for software-changes and administration stuff.

Awesome! go there and do an interview or article with them :D

> So, I think open source is always there and the companies will
> understand.....
> But for education, we have edu-l-i-f-e, or not?


> confused
> kdl

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