On Wednesday, February 23, 2011 05:43:34 am jdd wrote:

> I think somebody is writing it (at least somebody
> said so)

Transcript, not really script :)

It is too late for scripts, when you are almost done, and release is in 2 
weeks. We can plan more later, when dust around 11.4 settles. 

BTW, root passwords are not the same length. 

It is almost literally what you are saying, so someone can fix the text and 
create real script. There should be enough time to create few translations to 
major languages. For translators: you can record only audio file while 
watching video. 

here you can see how to install openSUSE distribution.
Drop DVD in the reader, start it.
You can give a language that will be used for installation,
Of course we doing it in English.

Also you can choose video mode.
Here we use eight hundred by six hundred.

You can also launch rescue system, 
check the DVD just in case that you burned it yourself, 
test firmware, or the computer memory. 

Of course, now we are installing.

So, you are loading main openSUSE part, when every component of the install 
system is checked. 

Now you get it.

On the left summary of the work that has to be done.

On the main window.

On the moder computer install takes only 15 minutes.

You can again change language.
You can change keyboard only.

Install system is probing computer to know what it have to do.
Linux will always try to explain what it will going to do. 

I'm choosing New Installation, and Automatic configuration.

Here, we are showing simple installation on a new hard disk without any 
operating system. 

Here is the time setting.
Usually you can stay where you are. 

Change the location if it is not good.
Keep all defaults if you are not sure.

Here is the choice. 
One of the more important parts of openSUSE.
You can choose many of the most popular systems you can find in Linux. GNOME, 
KDE and many more.

Partitioning is preparing your hard disk for openSUSE.
If you have already installed some other system, but you don't understand and 
you are not sure, please stop and use Live CD.

We will provide another tutorial how to use openSUSE partitioning tool. 
Wrong use is the only thing that can destroy all you data on the disk. 

We have to enter one new user. 
You can have as many users as you want, but we have to start with one. 
I prefer to keep control of my system, not automatic login, nor the same 
password for root and user. 

Now openSUSE is looking to see is your password good. Of course for this demo 
password is very weak, try to use a better one. H

Here we put password for a root user. This password must be good. Root is 
computer administrator. 

Here install system explains what it intend to do.
If you are not happy you can change any of this settings. 

And now we are ready to install.
Until now nothing was changed on your computer.
Only if you click in Install now the hard disk will be changed. 
If you have any doubt, don't install. 

Take the time to read release notes, specially if you used another openSUSE.To 
see the changes. 

Most of the people look Details, which is the list of the programs that are 

Then we have one reboot. Only one is necessary for the install system. 

Now we boot in the install system. 
Same layout as before. 
Automatic configuration with install system called YaST. 
It is also the name of the configuration system of openSUSE.
You have it at hand at any time when you are using openSUSE.

openSUSE is configuring the network. 
If you want computer to be used with Internet access it is better to plug the 
network cable. It is better to have cable then wireless. 

Here it's done and now we can start.

Here is the login of KDE.
Click on your name on the left, type the password, and you are done.

To see how to use openSUSE we will provide another video.

You are ready to go.

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