On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 09:27 +1100, Helen South wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Bryen M. Yunashko <susero...@bryen.com> 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2011-03-23 at 22:25 +0100, Will Stephenson wrote:
> > Our input on naming/versioning etc should be for the end product that we
> > actually market.  Deciding 11.5 or 12.0 has impact in how we market the
> > release, but codenaming... no it doesn't.  Let the parents name their
> > baby, not us.
> >
> > Bryen
> >
> Although I have seen 'Celadon' appear in some press comments here and
> there, so to some extent it is relevant. It seems some media expect a
> name.
> And frankly, while I might not be writing code, I think my
> contribution gives me some small degree of ownership and the right to
> have a say.
> cheers,
> Helen

You are absolutely correct, and I don't mean to imply that we, as
individuals, don't have a say.  My point is that such a discussion about
a factorydevelopment product should happen in the appropriate mailing
list.  In this case, it should be on the -factory ML or arguably, on the
Project ML.  *IF* we even think such a discussion should occur (and some
people think it shouldn't.)  

Besides, as marketers, we should all be on other mailing lists and not
just our own.  Discussions of product that have broader implications
should be discussed at that product's homebase or we'll continue to have
two camps diverging.  Marketers should offer input on marketing impact
on those lists as well.  We need more interactivity, not separation.
For some out there, people are saying those marketing guys are making
all these decisions without consulting us.  And if we persist in having
such discussions as codenaming here instead of over there, we're only
reinforcing that perception.  


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