On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Bryen M. Yunashko <susero...@bryen.com> wrote:
  My point is that such a discussion about
> a factorydevelopment product should happen in the appropriate mailing
> list.  In this case, it should be on the -factory ML or arguably, on the
> Project ML.

Ok. That wasn't my impression from the 'their baby' comment, but I
stand corrected.

> Besides, as marketers, we should all be on other mailing lists and not
> just our own.  Discussions of product that have broader implications
> should be discussed at that product's homebase or we'll continue to have
> two camps diverging.  Marketers should offer input on marketing impact
> on those lists as well. <snip>
> Bryen

Good point; with the plethora of lists, I haven't been entirely sure
what I should be subscribed to, and certainly some of these
discussions do impact the whole project.

My impression was that Project and Factory is purely development and
production oriented, ie for the discussion of core coding type issues,
similar to project on Freenode.

Perhaps project and factory people should also be subscribed to
marketing then, for marketing-relevant discussions which may impact

It sounds like everyone should be subscribed to everything....  /facepalm :P



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