On 2011-03-29 00:18:54 (-0300), Jos Poortvliet <jospoortvl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On IRC I saw Pascal Bleser and master Bryen talk about webpin2... Pretty 
> cool! I wonder if there is any update on it? I think it's worth a nice 
> article on omgsuse.com!

Yes, but only once it's finished IMHO.

Given that I am the sole developer on this (and that skills for
developing and tuning search engines is very rare in general --
yes, it's a very complex topic, don't think general purpose
Google ;)), I really have no idea when it will be ready for
public consumption as it simply depends on the amount of free
time I'll be able to find (and other things being higher
priority or not).

I don't have that much left to do, actually, but we'll have to
see how it scales, because the number of repositories we have on
build.opensuse.org is just plain insane (over 8000
repositories). That's all data that has to be pulled from the
internet, parsed (it's XML), and then indexed into the search
engine (Apache Solr).

I got back to coding on it since a few days, in order to iron
out a first stable version that could at least be put for
testing, opinions, and to see how well it copes with the sick
amount of repositories we have.

Note that "webpin2" also provides a REST API that is compatible
with the old "webpin1" one, which means that the existing YaST
module as well as the existing command-line query tool will
continue to work as-is.
I will most probably also rewrite the command-line query tool to
use more powerful capabilities of webpin2, and someone will have
to update the YaST module, but where not there yet,

  -o) Pascal Bleser
  /\\ http://opensuse.org -- we haz green
 _\_v http://fosdem.org   -- we haz conf

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