On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 20:00 +0100, Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> To achieve somewhat our effort to consolidate communication, you certainly 
> remember the fact that we want to merge some of
> mailing lists.
> I've seen a lot of cross-posting between here and project, and most of our 
> actions need also more people involved.
> Beside the fact that will avoid cross-posting, and so minimize the number of 
> replicated messages you & I can receive and then
> need to read/archive/reply/delete and so free some of our precious time.
> I would propose then that when we need a specific topic for our workgroup we 
> just add
> [marketing] tag on the subject line.
> So I open a poll on connect to know what we want to do
> http://goo.gl/9hcYp
> Please vote before 1st March
> Thanks
> -- 
> Bruno Friedmann

While I'm one of those who agrees we need to consolidate more of our
lists, I am only in favor of merging similar-functioning.  That is, I
favor the merge of ambassador + marketing.

I am not in favor of merging marketing with project.  While there are
times when some topics do overlap, in general, the definition of project
and marketing are different and -project is much more related to the
governance of openSUSE Project.  

Excessive consolidation will create too much noise, imo, and turn people

Furthermore, you are posing this question to the marketing list only.
If we are proposing to "move into another house", then shouldn't this
question also be asked to the -project mailing list?  Its only fair that
they be asked too.

Another thing, don't rely that people will follow a prefix-rule like
"Ambassador: <subject-line>."   It will never be consistent.

And one final thing, some lists, and I believe -marketing is one of
them, allow for people to send emails even if they are not subscribed.
There are good reasons for that depending on the list's function.  (I
know artwork and news@ does this.)  If we move to -project, do we
re-define how people can send mails to -project too?

Again, I agree with merging ambassador + marketing.  I don't agree with
marketing + project.  That will be more harm than good.

My two cents,
Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Project

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