Em Qua, 2012-03-14 às 01:53 +0100, Jos Poortvliet escreveu:
> Awesome, Luiz. I hope you don't mind I'm going to put this up on the 
> news.opensuse.org site :D 

Nice article, thanks for it :D

Em Ter, 2012-03-13 às 22:17 -0300, Raul Libório escreveu:
> So far, four cities are lectures on openSUSE confirmed in Brazil.
> I prepared a presentation on "Remote and unattended installations with
> openSUSE", especially for sysadmins :D 

Looks like the cities with openSUSE supporters raised. Let's do really
great work.

Luiz Augusto Machado
Administrador de Sistemas GNU/Linux
openSUSE: Linux para mentes abertas !
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