On Mon, 2012-03-26 at 15:25 +1100, Tim Serong wrote:
> Hi All,
> A bit of feedback from my wife upon her seeing the openSUSE 12.1 promo
> DVDs.  While definitely nicely done, the front says only "FREE Software
> / openSUSE 12.1", but provides no other indication of exactly what
> openSUSE is.  Perhaps for 12.2 we could move one of the descriptive
> paragraphs from the back of the cover to the front.  Possibly this one:
>   This DVD includes everything you need to get your desktop, laptop or
>   server up and runing with Linux.  You can also take 12.1 for a test
>   drive before you install it.  Just boot your computer from this DVD.
> The idea being to add a little descriptive text to the front, just
> enough to provide a bit more information/enticement to turn the package
> over and read more :) but not so much that it's overwhelming.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> -- 
> Tim Serong
> Senior Clustering Engineer
> tser...@suse.com

That's a valid concern, although admittedly a lot of these PromoDVDs are
distributed in areas where the openSUSE name is already familiar, such
as at FOSS events.  So there's less chances of confusion like your wife
experienced.  Nevertheless, it is a valid concern.

I'm not a fan of the long text you put up there for the front.   The
front should be more about dazzle.   So maybe a phrase emblazoned
across, something catchy like:

"A Greener operating System"

Okay that was an extremely corny line, but that was just an example of a
quick catchy line that also implies what the DVD is for.  

It's good you bring it up and its worth exploring.  The previous
releases have had a sort of similar cover concept.   Doesn't hurt to
shake up the box and come up with a completely different idea/direction.

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Project

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