On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Izabel Valverde
<izabelvalve...@opensuse.org> wrote:
> 2013/1/15 Jos Poortvliet <j...@opensuse.org>
>> Heya all,
>> Many of you have helped in the last 3-4 releases with writing the 'feature
>> guide' or 'product highlights' and release announcements. You know it is not
>> an easy task - as a matter of fact, it's a huge amount of work.
>> With 11.4 and 12.1 we had a reasonably collaborative process, but even then
>> we had almost no input from the actual package maintainers (for whom it is
>> very easy to record what changes there are in their software). Instead, we
>> had to go through long lists of packages, trying to find out what is new.
>> Obviously, this doesn't really work. I've asked (as usual) if
>> maintainers/packagers will add changes in their software to the wiki here:
>> https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Major_features
>> but honestly, I don't really expect that to work very well. I would
>> appreciate it if you kick developers you know, it would make a difference.
>> If however it again boils down to a handful of people who barely know
>> anything about the software having to go through all the packages, we will
>> have to change how we work. How - I don't really know.
>> Maybe we can change the policy on submitting things to Factory, like
>> requiring a link to an upstream changelog on major releases or anything.
>> Maybe you all have suggestions - ideas on improving this process are really
>> welcome.
>> The most important thing are of course changes really developed by and for
>> openSUSE - even those we often miss, like ownCloud integration in openSUSE
>> 12.1 (I heard about it 3 days before the release. Doesn't that make you
>> cry?). Again - we need a way to find and describe them...
>> Thoughts?
>> Jos
> Hey Jos, Hello all,
> I believe the best way to get the contribution of our
> supporters/manteiners/pacakgers would ask them what would be the
> easiest way to help us find what's new. Explaining to them that we are
> somewhat difficult to get this information they might suggest in how
> best to seek except in seeking
> https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Major_features
> I know this should have already been done but maybe a new call to help
> us a bit more... We don't want to give an extra task for them, just an
> indication of how to look without disrupting their work. Instead we
> suggest would be better suggestion coming from them.
> Developers make our gold and we will outshine :-D
> With a single hint coming now would be helpful. I believe they would do that.
> Just a thought,
> Izabel
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Hey I am willing to help, do we have a site we can work on together
for this, like the old days?

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