Saturday, October 25th, in Italy there was the "Linux Day".

For those not familiar with the "Linux Day", this is an annual event
where many Italian Linux User Groups meet the public to promote free
software, GNU/Linux, and much more.

As has already happened in the past, I decided not to organize an
event with FSUGItalia directly, but to participate as openSUSE
Advocate in events organized by other groups.

In particular, I accepted the invitation of the GULLI of Livorno and
GLug of Perugia.

In the morning, the event in the beautiful Tuscan city, was
characterized by a high proportion of young, inexperienced people, but
who have shown great interest. In particular they asked me how they
can actively participate in the openSUSE project.

In the afternoon, in Magione, near Trasimeno lake (Umbria), I found a
more mature, experienced, prepared audience. The questions in this
case were about technical nature, particularly on the differences with
other distributions and about OBS.

In both events, the small digression about embedded openSUSE,
attracted the attention of more experienced users, who were surprised
to find something different from the classic Raspberry.

As usual, the amazing gadgets have attracted the attention of all participants.

It was a busy day full of satisfaction. This confirms to me once
again, if proof were still needed, that the best way to promote free
software, is among the people during public events.


PS. I would like to thank the board for the material send that was
really helpful.

Alexjan Carraturo
Twitter/Facebook/Identica/flickr: axjslack
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