Hey guys,

an update to the screenshot contest I recommended couple of weeks ago. (source: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-marketing/2015-02/msg00000.html)

I've contacted UnixStickers for sponsorship, and while they did respond, they took their time, and the mail was only an inquiry into the frequency and amount of goods they would have to provide. After that, I received no response for quite some time, so I've sent another mail. No response to date.

Now this is aimed mostly at you, Doug DeMaio - You've said to me you can take care of the sticker prizes? I'm really anxious to get it going, and if UnixStickers responds somewhere along the line, I could take that burden off your hands. The rules are written up in the link i posted, what i'd need from you is to send a sticker pack to each month's winner.


- On 31st of March, I'll post a news article informing our community about the screenshot contest and outlining the rules. I'll then open an appropriate forum topic in the screenshot section, and distribute the news on reddit and the Diaspora's official openSUSE account. I'd need only G+, TW and FB profile maintainers to distribute the info further.

With all mentioned above, does green mean go? :)

Kind regards, and a great spring weekend to all.
Nenad Latinović
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