On 25 October 2016 at 17:05, victorhck <correo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Geekos!
> Done the spanish version!
> If someone wants to proofreading and improve the text, always is welcome
> !
> I think that one important thing in this release is the fact that for
> first time KDE has a LTS version, and will be included in Leap 4.2.
> I think that it's important to note to Leap 42.1 users, that they must
> update their OS within 6 months, but that can be made easily.
> I think that it's importat to note that there's many DE to choose in
> the installation.
> Keep on rockin' !!
> El 25/10/16 a las 11:37, Douglas DeMaio escribió:
>> Hi all,
>> We are nearing the release of openSUSE Leap 42.2 and we encourage
>> everyone reading this email to help promote our newest release,
>> however you want to do that. To help promote it, our marketing team
>> has been brainstorming a few ways to promote it. One of those is to
>> post messages on social media. The social media plan is updated in
>> English at
>> https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Social_media_launch_plan
>> Please consider translating it and posting it to your local or
>> region openSUSE pages/profiles as well as to your own personal
>> pages. We also encourage you to come up with your own tweets,
>> posts, etc and just tag #openSUSE.
>> Additionally, if you are interested in translations contributions,
>> we would certainly welcome contribution to the project. With
>> https://l10n.opensuse.org/, you can easily help translate release
>> notes for 42.2 -
>> https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/release-notes-opensuse/leap_42_2/.
>> I want to thank our contributors who have already translated the
>> release notes.  Also, please consider translating our landing page
>> - https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/landing-page/master/
>> There are more than 50 languages offered to translate and the
>> dashboard gives an easy overview of what languages have been
>> translated and those that could use translations.
>> v/r
>> Doug
> - --
> GPG Key: 0xcc742e8dc9b7e22a
> Aprende a proteger la privacidad de tu correo:
> https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/es/
> Mi blog sobre openSUSE, GNU/Linux y software libre:
> https://victorhckinthefreeworld.wordpress.com/


My contribution in French.

Best wishes,

Attachment: English Base messages leap42.2.odt
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