Thanks Aslan, I'll contact Douglas.

Of course I'll respect the branding - been with SUSE nearly 4 years, I've had to adjust when we switched from the original colour scheme to the current.

Signature Sean Rickerd
Ingénieur Commercial/Sales Engineer

On 16/11/16 10:05 AM, Aslan Ramos wrote:

Hi Sean,

1. This features list is perfect for what I need to do, has anyone done
anything presentation-wise yet? Are there decks around?

I use this one as template, because respect the brand of OpenSUSE colors.

As reference of branding:

2. Anyone have a contact where I can get openSUSE swag? (Would only need
about 50 of whatever - thumbdrives, pens, stickers, etc...)

Douglas deMaio is the one.<>  :)

3. With SLES for Raspberry Pi being announced, is there an openSUSE for
Raspberry Pi image in the wild or is there something in the works?

We have only available with Tumbleweed, with LEAP I didn't hear anything about 

best regards,
*Aslan C. de M. Ramos*
*Sales Engineer**
Rua Joaquim Floriano, 466 - 12º andar*
*Ed Corporate - São Paulo/SP*
*+ 55 11 3627-0905*
*+ 55 11 9 9228-5916 *
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On 16-11-2016 12:08, Sean Rickerd wrote:
Hey all,

I've been asked to do an openSUSE 42.2 presentation at the local Linux
Meetup and I was wondering about the following:

1. This features list is perfect for what I need to do, has anyone done
anything presentation-wise yet? Are there decks around?
2. Anyone have a contact where I can get openSUSE swag? (Would only need
about 50 of whatever - thumbdrives, pens, stickers, etc...)
3. With SLES for Raspberry Pi being announced, is there an openSUSE for
Raspberry Pi image in the wild or is there something in the works?

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