Hi Vinzenz,

Thank you for starting this. In less that 8 hours it jumped to 217 followers. That's great. Could you add me as an administrator. It would be good to have one or two backup admins to eliminate any points of failure. When I took over most of the openSUSE social media sites, there were points of contact who had control of pages that could not be reached, so there are some pages that are un-managedĀ  due to no access. I added it to https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Social_media_contacts


On 1/9/19 11:06 PM, Vinzenz Vietzke wrote:
Hi everyone,

I created an account for openSUSE at the federated social network Mastodon.
You can find it at https://fosstodon.org/@opensuse

*What is Mastodon*
Mastodon is a distributed, federated social network that forms part of the
Fediverse, an interconnected and decentralized network of independently
operated servers.

Mastodon has microblogging features similar to Twitter. Each user is a member
of a specific Mastodon server, known as an "instance" of the software, but can
connect and communicate with users on other instances as well. Users post
short messages called "toots" for others to see, subject to the adjustable
privacy settings of the user and their particular instance.

More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(software)

*Why is it good for openSUSE*
Being open source, privacy oriented and rooting from people with a huge
interest in everything FOSS big parts of the userbase is what I'd call an easy
target group for openSUSE. Just being around at their day-to-day social
network is important
With just announcing the account it gained 178 followers and big amount of
replies, reposts etc. in just a few hours. The interest and welcoming by the
users there is overwhelming.

That aside I think it's good for openSUSE to stake a claim in terms of FOSS
and privacy. The big social media services all have their own issues but
privacy is somewhat a problem at all of them.

*Who is in charge and what is published*
Currently I'm the only one with access to the account. But of course I'm
willing to hand over the credentials to someone official.
The contents I posted and plan to post until someone else wants to take over
are just the same as on openSUSE's twitter account. In the long run one has to
see what people over there are interested in and adapt the contents

For any questions, go ahead.


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