On 4/29/19 11:49 AM, Vinzenz Vietzke wrote:
Am Thu, 25 Apr 2019 12:25:35 +0200
schrieb ddemaio <ddem...@suse.de>:

you would like to help translate or publish some of them, it would be
highly appreciated. You can find the plan in the English section on
German translations added.

Two things slightly off topic:
First, do we need those bit.ly links? There were people complaining a
bit as it's some third party tracking.

Second, and mostly in regards of Twitter: Starting a tweet with
@openSUSE will only show the tweet to people following the openSUSE
account. Maybe we should replace it with #openSUSE?

Hi Vinzenz,
It's not necessary to use them. It does help me to track the clicks though on the different social media pages they are published. As for the @openSUSE or the #openSUSE, it might be good to do both. With 70k followers on twitter, it's good to get that info to the followers who are tracking openSUSE and then trying to also add some other ones like @nextcloud, etc, to get their followers tagged. While the 70 might be following, it doesn't necessarily mean they are actively engaged or tracking. Are there any other ideas we would want to tag? Some of the posts are tight with word characters for some of the social media platforms.
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