On 6/18/19 10:38 AM, Imad Aldoj wrote:
Today [through my usual unplanned wiki ride] I landed on this page
https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Strategy from the Novell era (2010) and
it was a really interesting read, mainly the SWOT analysis.
Surprisingly, (or not) a lot of it is still relevant today, even tho
on the other hand, a lot happened in the tech world.

How *and if* the community demography itself has changed? what
challenges do we face today? and where are we heading next? I think
this is a good time to look back again and analyze the outcome of the
last decade and maybe how other distros did compared to openSUSE
(specifically Fedora and Arch)

Looking at the last few years, what's your view? would be cool to hear
some opinions of people who did the last round.

Looks like you found a rare gem in the stack of pages Imad. Just a brief look at it and you can see quite a bit has changed even though there is some stuff that remains constant. I could see this info being helpful to the current discussions as well with the foundation, name, website and logo all in the mix. I think if you posted on the opensuse-project mailing list, this could generate some interesting feedback. I will be on holiday for the coming two weeks, but when I return, I'm sure we can start some regular meetings on IRC to discuss all the material and how we could update it to reflect the current timeframe and way forward. There a few people who helped with this from what I can tell and they will probably provide some input here and there, but I think if we discussed this as a community, we could certainly gain some better insights to the opportunities and challenges we have. If anyone thinks this is a good idea, let me know and we can come up with a plan to update the content and evolve it to the project's benefit.
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