Hi all,
Chuck asked me to post this to the marketing mailing list the report he did from SELF, which took place this past weekend.

So when I got there on Thursday the shirts were there, so thank you. The
event went well, we had 500 people there, this was the second year for us
to do remote access. So for $5 bucks, you could watch any and talks that
weekend. I got a talk about using OBS, SUSE Management w/foreman, AWX, and few other open source tools to build a great devops office with having to
have the budget of Bruce Wayne.

Thank you for doing the kubic design. A lot of people came to the table
alone just to ask what that was. So it was great to have something to get
people asking questions.

So I had one Gigabyte Brik with openSUSE 15.1 on it and my pi box ( I built this about 4 years ago with a pi 2 and Tumbleweed on it ). along with 50
DVD I burnt, next year I need to find a place to buy USB in bulk, I only
picked about 4 from Microcenter because of time. More and more people are
asking for USB, in fact, I did 3 for Tumbleweed and just one for Leap. I
gave away about 15 DVD, one thing seem more and more laptop don't have DVD

One thing I keep hearing over and over from people was that they moving
away from Fedora to openSUSE because of Tumbleweed and Leap Installer. I
only had one person talk about BtrFS, this same person asked me about ZFS in openSUSE, which I wasn't able to answer. Overall great. Plus, Southeast
Linux Fest always happy to have us.

A couple of things I am going to working on so I have them, slides with
video. Since it looks like SELF will do more of the remote access video, I am going to try to get a talk in. Also, I am hoping to be done with a new
pi box that will use to burn USB on demand.
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