Hi all,

We had the openSUSE Virtual Summit was May 1.  Around 156 people registered for the event, which featured 14 talks. The schdule of the talks can be found at https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSvirtsmt/schedule/events. We will get the videos up on our Youtube channel as soon as we can.

The planning of the event took about a month from start to finish. The event was a subsitute for the openSUSE Summit in Dublin that was cancelled - https://news.opensuse.org/2020/03/06/openSUSE-Summit-Dublin-Canceled/

The tool that was used for this was on opensuse.reqmagic.com. The tool developed over a five-week period and was Minimum Viable Project still considered to be in the Alpha phase of development. While considered an Alpha level MVP, opensuse.reqmagic.com functioned well enough to have a sucessful virtual summit. The interactions at the summit were great and people had time to ask questions and discuss a variety of things online.

Feedback about the summit included the following:


End user audio quality is by far the biggest problem.

 * For best quality audio a high quality stereo USB headset from Jabra
   or Plantronics is recommended.
 * Bluetooth *not* recommended - 2 way communications forces it to
   mono, not stereo audio (stereo is essential for spatial audio).
 * Local network issues are the next most common cause of bad audio -
   usually WiFi is to blame. Try to use a cabled ethernet or make sure
   you have a good wifi audio
 * Other devices streaming content are also problematic.(Ie Netflix,
   gaming, etc) - whilst these these services can tolerate network
   issues because they have large caches, they can swamp available
   bandwidth and cause problems for realtime audio.

The mute button did not work sporatically, which left a few microphones open during talks. (To continue with the summit, we recommended people mute their micrphone through their operating system)

Options to consider for the development - Muteall --force would be nice and abiity to mute somone else.

Consider use the different icon on Mute and Live

The constant beeping, e.g. when other participants log in, ... is almost worse, especially for hearing impaired (or sensitive) persons (with hearing aids). A colleague therefore had to leave the presentation. Some of which could be solved witht the features that will be improved. Feeback for improvement.


Spread sessions apart so they are not running back to back. Feeback for improvement.

Each presenter was to share their slides through their web browser. As a back up plan, having links to presentations so the adminsitrator could share the slides while the attendee could brief can be considered a best practice. Also, links to the slides should be sent to the organzier before the event.

The summit schedule in the tool did not show times of the talks. Feeback for improvement.


It would be nice and also helpful for understanding to see the speaker as well, not only the presentation( like Richard did - https://youtu.be/idZEJ0OYfWU)

Sponsorship banners were too high aboove the presentation slides. Should try to make them closer to the presentation or create a sponsorship frame that the presentation is inside of. Feeback for improvement.

During the summit, many people were using the Telegram group (t.me/oSVS2020), email and phone calls to commuicate with adminstrators and other attendees. Having a chat inside the tool would be helpful in communicating with one another should there be technical difficulties or to communicate delays, etc. It would be transparent and everyone can see what is happening. Each session could also have a session chat, which posts an automatic reminder at th end the the session is over. Feeback for improvement.

Chatbox for chat with each others. Feeback for improvement.

Firefox seems to work without any issues, even it´s not recommended. Positive result feeback.

Inform the people upfront, how the virtual conferece tool is working. Not everyone was able to attend the first session that introduced the "rules". An email was sent to help mitigate this and a session was given to help inform people of the best practice for partiicpating in the event - https://www.slideshare.net/douglasdemaio/virtual-summit-intro Perhaps an introduction video for use could be one of the first things seen to introduce people to the tool. Feeback for improvement.

Maybe a "fullscreen-mode" for (while) the presentations?

People started to update their avitar and understood the value of updating the personal info. Positive result feeback.

Raise Hand for ask questions

Consider use the different icon on Mute and Live

Include a hashtag for Tweets. Area to show people the hastag :D #oSvirtsmt #oSVS20


Intro to Plugin Oriented Programming - https://pop-book.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Intro to the Virtual Summit

IT Risk Management Based on ISO 31000 and OWASP Framework using OSINT (Case Study: Election Commission of X City) - https://www.slideshare.net/secret/oW693cwzkvddLh

Introduction Podman for Beginner - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UD9IGi6yEC51PFcjdyifsiYhJmfu6ztoJBKcuW5wVkU/edit#slide=id.p1

Translating Open Source Apps - https://blog.kukuh.syafaat.id/slides/oSvirtsmt/translating-open-source-apps.pdf

Sway on openSUSE user status - https://denisok.github.io/oSC20-openSUSEway/index.html#/

CSS containers: making websites accessible to disabled users - https://johnrhudson.me.uk/computing/CSS_containers_presentation.pdf

Jump! Current state and upcoming challenges - https://www.slideshare.net/douglasdemaio/jump-current-state-and-upcoming-challenges

The Current and Future strategy for openSUSE Leap - https://en.opensuse.org/File:Osvirtsmt-2020-opensuse-leap-strategy.pdf

Keep it up and running - AKA openSUSE maintenance - https://www.slideshare.net/deneb_alpha/opensuse-virtual-summit-2020-opensuse-maintenance-232999010

Uyuni: the solution to manage your Linux infrastructure - https://www.slideshare.net/pgquiles/uyuni-the-solution-to-manage-your-infrastructure-233012001

openSUSE MicroOS - the OS that does "just one job"  - https://youtu.be/idZEJ0OYfWU)

Linux in the Time of COVID19

Flexible and Fast Software Delivery with the Open Build Service at Datto - https://ngompa.fedorapeople.org/datto-obs-sw-delivery-oSvirtSummit.pdf

Limitless Potential: Using Modularity in Programming to Spur and Sustain Open Source Innovation  - https://www.slideshare.net/douglasdemaio/limitless-potential-using-modularity-in-programming-to-spur-and-sustain-open-source-innovation and  https://pop-book.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


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